
Based on the classic 70's anime series, this big-screen, live-action adaptation of Yatterman tells the story of Gan Takada, a boy with a knack for all things mechanical, and Ai Kaminari, a girl with a quick wit. When a serious bad guy discovers a sure-fire method for taking over the world, Gen and Ai find themselves on a mission to save the universe, with the help of many wild costumes and powerful, fighting robots. -Rovi
KissAsian is the best site to watch Yatterman English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on KissAsian website.
Based on the classic 70's anime series, this big-screen, live-action adaptation of Yatterman tells the story of Gan Takada, a boy with a knack for all things mechanical, and Ai Kaminari, a girl with a quick wit. When a serious bad guy discovers a sure-fire method for taking over the world, Gen and Ai find themselves on a mission to save the universe, with the help of many wild costumes and powerful, fighting robots. -Rovi
KissAsian is the best site to watch Yatterman English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on KissAsian website.