Night Time Picnic

The film follows a group of high school students on a strenuous day-long hike during which they discover new sides of themselves. The story is adapted from author Onda Rika's popular same-titled novel, which earned Onda the Yoshikawa New Literary...
KissAsian is the best site to watch Night Time Picnic English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on KissAsian website.
The film follows a group of high school students on a strenuous day-long hike during which they discover new sides of themselves. The story is adapted from author Onda Rika's popular same-titled novel, which earned Onda the Yoshikawa New Literary...
KissAsian is the best site to watch Night Time Picnic English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on KissAsian website.