
The story follows three generations of a Taiwanese Indigenous family (Atayal tribe) that begins to fall apart when its head dies. With his passing, "Gaga" — the traditional beliefs for maintaining the order between people and nature — also vanishes. On the verge of being broken, the family witnesses the first snowfall in a very long time…
KissAsian is the best site to watch Gaga English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Taiwanese drama on KissAsian website.
The story follows three generations of a Taiwanese Indigenous family (Atayal tribe) that begins to fall apart when its head dies. With his passing, "Gaga" — the traditional beliefs for maintaining the order between people and nature — also vanishes. On the verge of being broken, the family witnesses the first snowfall in a very long time…
Other names:哈勇家|哈勇他们家|哈勇他們家|Ha Yong Ta Men Jia|Гага
Director:Chen Jie Yao [陳潔瑤]
KissAsian is the best site to watch Gaga English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Taiwanese drama on KissAsian website.